Side to Side Jump Rope
Side to Side Jump Rope Instructions
- Hold the jump rope handles in each hand and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Swing the rope to the right and jump to the right side of the rope as it passes your feet.
- As the rope swings back to the left, jump to the left side of the rope.
- Continue jumping side to side as the rope swings back and forth.
- Try to maintain a steady rhythm and keep your feet together as you jump.
- Repeat for desired amount of time or number of repetitions.
Side to Side Jump Rope Form & Visual
Side to Side Jump Rope Benefits
- Improves hip mobility and flexibility
- Stretches the inner and outer thighs
- Activates the glutes and hip muscles
- Helps to prevent injury in the hips and lower back
- Can be done as a warm-up or cool-down exercise
Side to Side Jump Rope Muscles Worked
- Calves
- Quadriceps
- Hamstrings
- Glutes
- Abdominals
- Obliques
Side to Side Jump Rope Variations & Alternatives
- Side-to-side jump without rope
- Side-to-side jump with high knees
- Side-to-side jump with double unders
- Side-to-side jump with criss-cross feet
- Side-to-side jump with one foot