Step Up

Step Up


This exercise involves stepping up onto a raised platform or step with one foot, then bringing the other foot up to meet it before stepping back down. It primarily targets the lower body muscles, including the glutes, quads, and hamstrings.

Muscle Group

Equipment Required

Step Up Instructions

  1. Stand in front of a sturdy bench or step.
  2. Place one foot on the bench, making sure your entire foot is on the surface.
  3. Step up onto the bench, lifting your other foot off the ground and bringing it up to the bench.
  4. Step back down with the same foot you stepped up with, returning to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the exercise with the opposite foot.
  6. Continue alternating between feet for the desired number of repetitions or time.

Step Up Form & Visual

Step Up

Step Up Benefits

  • Strengthens lower body muscles, including quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes
  • Improves balance and stability
  • Increases cardiovascular endurance
  • Can be modified to increase or decrease intensity
  • Requires minimal equipment and can be done at home or in a gym

Step Up Muscles Worked

  • Quadriceps
  • Glutes
  • Hamstrings
  • Calf muscles
  • Core muscles (to stabilize the body)

Step Up Variations & Alternatives

  • Step up with knee raise
  • Step up with bicep curl
  • Step up with overhead press
  • Step up with lateral raise
  • Step up with tricep extension
  • Step up with front raise
  • Step up with twist
  • Step up with kickback
  • Step up with chest press
  • Step up with row