Cable Pull Through
Cable Pull Through Instructions
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place a cable machine behind you.
- Attach a rope handle to the cable machine and adjust the height to be just above your knees.
- Grab the rope handle with both hands and step forward until there is tension on the cable.
- Hinge at the hips and lower your torso until it is parallel to the ground.
- Drive your hips forward and stand up straight, pulling the cable through your legs.
- Pause at the top of the movement and squeeze your glutes.
- Slowly lower the cable back down to the starting position and repeat for desired number of reps.
Cable Pull Through Form & Visual
Cable Pull Through Benefits
- Targets the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back muscles
- Improves hip hinge movement pattern
- Increases hip and hamstring flexibility
- Can be used as a warm-up or as a main exercise in a lower body workout
- Low impact exercise that is easy on the joints
- Can be modified for different fitness levels by adjusting the weight and resistance
Cable Pull Through Muscles Worked
- Glutes
- Hamstrings
- Lower back
- Core
Cable Pull Through Variations & Alternatives
- Single-leg cable pull through
- Sumo stance cable pull through
- Reverse cable pull through
- Band pull through
- Kettlebell swing