Walking on Incline Treadmill
This exercise involves walking on a treadmill that is set at an incline, which increases the intensity of the workout and targets the muscles in the legs and glutes. It can be a great cardiovascular exercise and can also help with weight loss and toning.
Muscle Group
Equipment Required
Walking on Incline Treadmill Instructions
- Start by adjusting the incline on the treadmill to your desired level.
- Step onto the treadmill and begin walking at a slow pace.
- Keep your posture upright and engage your core muscles.
- As you walk, focus on taking long strides and landing on the balls of your feet.
- Continue walking for 20-30 minutes, gradually increasing the speed and incline as you feel comfortable.
- Once you have completed your workout, gradually decrease the speed and incline before stepping off the treadmill.
- Stretch your legs and lower back to cool down and prevent injury.
Walking on Incline Treadmill Form & Visual
Walking on Incline Treadmill Benefits
- Increases cardiovascular endurance
- Burns calories and aids in weight loss
- Strengthens lower body muscles, including calves, quads, and glutes
- Improves balance and coordination
- Reduces stress and improves mood
- Low-impact exercise, making it easier on joints
- Can be adjusted to different incline levels for varying levels of intensity
Walking on Incline Treadmill Muscles Worked
- Quadriceps
- Hamstrings
- Glutes
- Calf muscles
- Abdominals
- Back muscles
Walking on Incline Treadmill Variations & Alternatives
- Walking on Flat Treadmill
- Walking on Stair Climber
- Hiking on a Trail
- Walking on a Steep Hill
- Walking with a Weighted Vest