Box Jump Down With 1 Leg Stabilization

This exercise involves jumping onto a box with one leg and then stabilizing on that same leg as you step down from the box. It helps to improve balance, coordination, and lower body strength.
Muscle Group
Equipment Required
Box Jump Down With 1 Leg Stabilization Instructions
- Stand in front of a sturdy box or platform that is at a comfortable height for you to jump onto.
- Place one foot on the box and the other foot on the ground.
- Jump up onto the box with your foot that is on the ground, bringing your other foot up with you.
- Land on the box with both feet and hold the position for a few seconds to stabilize.
- Step down off the box with the foot that you jumped up with, leaving the other foot on the box.
- Lower yourself down to the ground with control, keeping your foot on the box stable and balanced.
- Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions, then switch legs and repeat on the other side.
Box Jump Down With 1 Leg Stabilization Form & Visual
Box Jump Down With 1 Leg Stabilization Benefits
- Improves explosive power and strength in the lower body
- Increases cardiovascular endurance
- Enhances balance and stability
- Targets multiple muscle groups including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves
- Can be modified to accommodate different fitness levels and abilities
- Provides a challenging and dynamic workout
Box Jump Down With 1 Leg Stabilization Muscles Worked
- Quadriceps
- Glutes
- Hamstrings
- Calf muscles
- Core muscles
Box Jump Down With 1 Leg Stabilization Variations & Alternatives
- Box Jump Down with 2 Leg Stabilization
- Box Jump Up with 1 Leg Stabilization
- Box Jump Up with 2 Leg Stabilization
- Step Up with 1 Leg Stabilization
- Step Up with 2 Leg Stabilization
- Jump Squat with 1 Leg Stabilization
- Jump Squat with 2 Leg Stabilization