Lotus Yoga Pose Padmasana

Lotus Yoga Pose Padmasana


This exercise involves performing the yoga pose known as Padmasana, which is also commonly referred to as the lotus pose. It may involve using a yoga pad or mat for support and stability during the pose.

Muscle Group

Equipment Required

Lotus Yoga Pose Padmasana Instructions

  1. Start by sitting on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you.
  2. Bend your right knee and place your right foot on your left thigh, with your heel close to your abdomen.
  3. Then, bend your left knee and place your left foot on your right thigh, with your heel close to your abdomen.
  4. Place your hands on your knees, palms facing down.
  5. Keep your spine straight and your shoulders relaxed.
  6. Breathe deeply and hold the pose for as long as comfortable.
  7. To release the pose, gently straighten your legs and come back to a seated position.

Lotus Yoga Pose Padmasana Form & Visual

Lotus Yoga Pose Padmasana

Lotus Yoga Pose Padmasana Benefits

  • Stretches the hip flexors and quadriceps
  • Improves flexibility in the hips and legs
  • Strengthens the legs and core
  • Improves balance and stability
  • Can help alleviate lower back pain
  • Can improve digestion and relieve constipation

Lotus Yoga Pose Padmasana Muscles Worked

  • Glutes
  • Quadriceps
  • Hamstrings
  • Hip flexors
  • Abdominals
  • Spine
  • Shoulders
  • Wrists

Lotus Yoga Pose Padmasana Variations & Alternatives

  • Half Lotus Pose (Ardha Padmasana)
  • Full Lotus Pose (Padmasana)
  • Seated Forward Bend in Lotus Pose (Paschimottanasana in Padmasana)
  • Bound Lotus Pose (Baddha Padmasana)
  • Lotus Headstand (Mukta Hasta Sirsasana in Padmasana)